Sunday, November 21, 2010

What do you want? Erm, er, erm.....

I recently got introduced to someone via Facebook and her first comment was “I went through your photos. Wow, you get out a lot!” I’ve spent all morning looking at my Facebook photos – the ones I’ve been tagged in. 348 of them paint a fabulous picture. The places I’ve been to, the people I hang out with, the things I’m interested in. It’s all there for the world to see. Despite the fact that I’m naturally inclined to stay home with a good book or movie, I have to agree with her wholeheartedly. I do a lot of stuff. It’s because I have a million interests and I fit into a lot of scenes.
I’m on the second leg of my first trip out to Asia. Bangkok was planned. I contacted my friend to find out where she’d be and when. I booked the hotel and she had a loose itinerary planned out for the duration of our stay. India, however, is the epitome of spontaneity – at least the first 5 days when I am at liberty to do as I please. I booked my hotel for last night in Bangkok airport. I thought I might have to book one upon arrival at Delhi but fortunately people read emails quickly these days or more likely business is slow on Sunday nights.
Now I’ve done some pretty strange (or interesting – your choice will be influenced by how cautious you are) things in my life but this is the first time I will be travelling solo. I think I infuriate a lot of my friends when they ask for my input in decisions on where to go, what to do, what to eat etc and I ask them to make the decision. I’m not trying to be difficult, choice overwhelms me. I’m always certain about what I don’t want but what I want has always been really tough to figure out. A solo trip would probably be people’s idea of a great opportunity to plan the perfect trip but I find it tiresome having to make all these decisions. So, I only decided to turn up in Delhi and see where the wind blows me.
This will either be one awesome trip or a lesson that will finally inspire me to pick what I want