According to
the Metro, the following are the top 50 ways
to live life to the full. I’ve appended my comments about whether I’m doing so, intend to
do so or there is no chance it will ever happen next to them all. At the end,
I’ll calculate how fully I’m living life at the moment.
worrying about money: When I first moved to London,
money was really tight. I remember a spell in which I had to live off £30, for
food, toiletries and transport, weekly. I shopped in the cheapest places and
successfully managed my budget. Even then, I didn’t worry about money.
worrying about what other people think: I was a very
sensitive child, eager to please my family and people around me. One day I
realised that letting what people thought affect me made my life stressful so I
decided I needed to stop thinking. Obviously to a certain extent I care about
the input of some people but generally I’d say I don’t give a flying rat’s arse
what people think.
two holidays a year: So far this year I’ve been to
Ireland, Nigeria, Palestine, the Isle of Wight festival and Cumbria. I also
have Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Ottawa, New York city and Nigeria (again) to
go. I take a lot of holidays because I love travel.
the little comforts: I always tell people I’m pretty
simple. Give me a sofa, an iPhone, some books, some films, a bit of travel and
mates to do stuff with and I’m pretty happy.
to live rather than live to work: Well anyone
who knows anything about me knows I don’t give a shit about work generally. My
line manager was aghast that I put “work only between 9 and 6” down as one of
my objectives. I wasn’t kidding.
different cultures: Not only do I travel loads but I
love to make friends from different nationalities so I get a lot of different
off all debts: This one is a little bit tricky.
I’m going to become a student for the next 4 years so reckon that I might build
my debt instead of paying it off but I try to keep reasonable levels of debt.
I’ll put this on my bucket-list for when I turn 35.
true to yourself: I might be a little too much
myself. When I was younger, I’d say till about 25 or so, I used to have
different personas with different people and try to fit in with their
expectations of me. These days I am super clear about who I am and try to stick
to my principles as much as possible
on what you have instead of what you don’t have:
Drummed into my head as a kid and still a principle that I live by
money for fun rather than a rainy day: My savings
are practically non-existent. I have no rainy day fund
time for family and friends: I love my
friends and family and always make time for them. My ideas of how much time
needs to be made might not be as much as they want (my mum definitely wants to
hang out a bit more than I wind up doing) but I sometimes sacrifice family time
in favour of friends time because I kind of think family will always be there
whereas friends are more transient.
all types of food: As a food lover and wannabe
foodie I’m always open to trying new cuisines. I have previously been less
enthusiastic about things that I used to hate as a child (all cooked
vegetables, honey, porridge) and tend to be put off foods with these elements
included. I’ve recently discovered that I actually like a couple of things I
used to hate (mushrooms, honey) and even tried being vegetarian for a few weeks
so now I’m a bit more adventurous with all foods.
true love: I think I’ve found true love and if I’m
somehow wrong, I’m constantly looking for it.
to at least 25 foreign countries: So far I’ve
been to 15 countries and have another 7 on my radar to get to over the next
couple of years. I reckon I will soon hit this target, certainly before I turn
outside more: I spend as much time as I can outdoors.
Living in England, this is not always possible but this year, I’ve even learnt
to brave the rain. I’m cycling, hiking, walking, running, playing football,
sitting in beer gardens and going to the park. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration
to say I’m spending at least 30% of my non-work time outdoors which is a lot if
you consider how much time is spent sleeping!
a new language: I’ve purportedly been learning
Italian for a couple of years now but this year I put it on my pre-30th
bucket-list so I’m well keen on conducting basic decent conversation in it and
being able to read a little within the next 6 weeks. Was a bit bummed I
couldn’t find my audio files over last weekend but I’ve ordered a few
children’s books and these should make up for my loss.
well thought of by family or friends: Well
obviously I think I’m well thought of by my family and other than the odd
disappointment with my lifestyle or life choices I have been told as much by my
parents and siblings. My friends like me. That’s what they say at least.
your family when they are in need: I help my
family all the time. My brothers and sister get financial support from me when
necessary and my cousins have stayed over when they needed a place to stay.
Nigerians are like this. We all help family when necessary.
1 stone in weight: Since June I think I’ve lost 2
each day like it’s your last: I don’t
save. I have a fear of missing out that means I have a seriously hectic
schedule. I don’t like to book stuff in advance. I like to leave people in no
doubt of how I feel about them. However I procrastinate quite a bit. I’m
working on this.
all Britain’s historical landmarks: This will
take forever to do. It’s on the list
an impulsive last minute holiday: I would
like to know what last minute here means as I usually leave my holiday booking
till as late as possible and all it takes for me to go on holiday is for
someone to ask. I think I went to Milan the first time with about 2 weeks’
notice. I’m convinced that one day I will rock up to an airport and pick a destination
with no advance planning.
for a charity: I have charity days at work and
I’ve used them on a couple of occasions. I’ve also worked for Oxfam albeit
up a challenge: This year has been a year of
challenges. I wrote myself a bucket-list and have been working my way through
them. Highlights so far include running a 10k, cycling to work, going
vegetarian for a couple of weeks, learning to rollerblade and losing 2 stone
on safari: I wonder if this includes a UK safari. I
hear there’s something in England of the sort. The big Kenya or Tanzania safari
is on the list. Maybe that should go on my pre-35th bucket-list
money shopping: I went to Debenhams and spent
over £500 on clothes once. That’s a lot for me seeing as I like to keep my
clothes usually between £10 and 30.
a new instrument: Again, this is something on my
bucket-list. I’ve had an acoustic guitar I acquired from my brother for years
and never managed to fit in the time to play. This year I won an electric
guitar and acquired a much better acoustic guitar and intend to get my friends
who play to teach me something decent to play by the 14th of October
married for longer than 20 years: I recognise
this is a major achievement and applaud my parents and grandparents for
exceeding this target by some distance (my parents are on 31 and my
grandparents on something like 67 years of marriage). However, I think marriage
is stupid. So this is one that I really doubt I’m even going to attempt.
money for your grandchildren to enjoy: With no
desire to procreate or get married and a proclivity for spending more than I
save, I really doubt I can make this one. Seems a bit contradictory to number
10 though…
a family: See 28 and 29 for reasons why this will not
be happening
more money than your age: I assume this means my age with
a few zeros next to it. Already doing that
a pet: I really want a dog but I need a different
lifestyle. On the cards for that pre-35th bucket-list
a really fast car: This has always been on my list.
A fast car on the Nurburgring racing circuit or just any German autobahns. I
need to get a valid UK license first. This will definitely be on my pre-35th
alone: Already done Delhi and Amsterdam by myself.
Didn’t like being alone so much. Glad I don’t have this one to tick again
children on the straight and narrow: Don’t like
kids. Don’t like getting involved with other people’s kids. However I do like
mentoring and where my advice is sought, would certainly keep them on the
straight and narrow
strangers: I meet them all the time and I generally
don’t like them. I met one recently. And I talked to her
away from home to an unfamiliar place: Did that
when I moved from Lagos to London and to a lesser degree when I went to Benin
to do my undergraduate degree. I also moved to Manchester for 15 months for my
internship and would love to live in Bologna for a few months.
a one-night stand: Even though I’m not a fan of
these, I have had one. It was great
your driving test: I’ve taken one and failed.
Hopefully I’ll pass the next one
a degree: Check! Now working on my master’s and
hopefully a PHD after that so I’ll have three degrees!
someone so you’re a hero for a while: I’d like to
think that some of the things I’ve done for my friends have amounted to
rescuing them. With my lack of interest in strangers and inability to climb,
swim or do anything helpful like hat I can’t say I see this being on the cards
anytime soon
someone exciting but completely wrong: I think
I’ve done this once or twice and it was very exciting
a promotion: I’ve had two
your career peak by 40: Considering I’m just trying to
switch career this might be a big ask. No harm in trying though
an all-night drinking session: I believe
that my first night of drinking ever was an all-night drinking session with my
cousin. We got rather drunk. I also went to New York with this same cousin and
I don’t remember how we got back to our hotel. The biggest claim to completion
of this though is my first Christmas as a worker when I drank from 11am on a
Friday till 4am on a Sunday. It ended very badly
something on stage in front of others: I played
Jesus in a school play as a 5 year old, did some modelling for my uncle’s
fashion show as a 9 year old and love karaoke
a stranger: My very first snog stranger was with an
Irish lad. I forget whether it was in London or Manchester. I’ve had a few more
but don’t like to make a habit of it.
a surprise party: To be done
on adrenaline-packed activities such as bungee jumping: Did
Go-Ape. Was scared to death because it turns out I have a rather serious fear
of heights. Until I sort this out, by going on another Go-Ape day and
confronting my fears, I will have to pass on other height-based
adrenaline-packed activities
young by spending time with children: Don’t like children but I do spend
time with young people. That should do
I’ve ticked
thirty-three things off this list, think I can tick another thirteen off by the time
I should or before I turn 35 and only have four I don’t think I can or should
bother with. If I do say so myself, I’m living life pretty well then
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